Cationic High Despersion Rosin Sizing Agent

Cationic High Despersion Rosin Sizing Agent

Cationic high dispersion rosin sizing agent is used in high temperature and high pressure homogenization technology. Using a cationic emulsifier to emulsify rosin into emulsion rosin of nearly 100% emulsion rosin with high free rosin. In addition, cationic high dispersion rosin sizing agent with a positive charge. It contains a large number of rosin acid molecules with moderate charge density. It is mainly used for cup paper,liquid wrapped paper, feed cardboard, etc.

SKU: XK-CRS Category:


Apperance  Milky white liquid
Solid  Content   35%±1%
Viscosity  ≦ 50mpa.s(25ºC)
PH Value 2-4
Ionic type Cation
Solubility Dissolves in cold water


This product can be used directly or diluted 3-5 times with water. It is recommended to add continuously with metering pump before grouting pump. The added amount is 2%-4% of the absolute dry fiber. The best sizing sequence of cationic highly dispersed rosin siaing agent is reverse sizing. Namely adding aluminum sulfate first and then adding rosin sizing agent. The dosage of aluminum sulfate is 1.5-2 times that of rosin sizing agent. The sizing PH value should be controlled between 4.5 and 6. and the machine water PH value should be controlled between 5 and 5.5.
Package and Storage:
Packaged in 1000kg or 200kg plastic drums. Storage encironment should be above 5, below 30 in a cool dry and ventilated environment. Should avoid exposure and freezing and concentrated alkali contact. The shelf life time is 3 months.


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